Monday, July 21, 2014


ALMUERZO, is the Spanish word for lunch, and here in Chile it is the main meal of the day - usually served around 1:30 PM.  So you eat a little breakfast, then look forward to your almeurzo.  Then just a small, simple snack in the evening called once (pronounced OHNsay).   The missionaries have very tiny, limited kitchens in their apartments, so their almuerzos are provided by the members of the church in their barrios, or wards.  When we have Zone Conferences, we run into almuerzo time, so we always provide the meal.  Here you see our very capable assistants, Elder A and Elder P, with everything ready to go.   Today we had "completos" (explained below), Ingrid's special carrot cake with cream cheese frosting (we all love Ingrid!), juice (tall bottles in the middle - although we have requested bottles of water now - usually not a choice!), and you can see a basket of fruit behind the Elders.  That's the healthy part!  

The completo is a GIANT hot dog with everything on it!  Seriously - nearly 2 feet long!  The bread is fresh and delicious, and you can see some of the condiments to add - tomatoes and avocado.

Everyone is ready to eat after a long morning of training!

Here is an example of a finished product:).  Tons of mayo, avocado, ketchup, mustard, and avocado.  Hungry yet?  I couldn't finish mine!  

Oh yes, life is sweet today in the zone of Victoria, Chile!

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